Honoring the Memory of our Everly Eden

A little over two weeks ago, I asked a small group of family and friends to gather to honor the memory of our Everly Eden. That day, October 15th is considered Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day. All over the world candles are lit at 7 pm to honor all the angel babies. When these candles stay lit for at least an hour in each time zone, it creates a wave of light. This year, lighting a candle just did not seem like enough. I wanted to do something that would give a greater memory for us.

That evening everyone gathered at 6:30 pm. My plan was to read a brief story about our journey, light Everly’s candle, and then have everyone release lighted sky lanterns. I am not one to enjoy standing in front of a group of people and talk about anything…let alone read something I had written about our emotional journey. My stomach was in knots but I knew that reading my story would help me with the healing process.

In Memory of Everly Eden

I began to read. I began to cry. Tears of sorrow and tears of joy. I would like to share with you what I read that evening:


Five and a half months ago, I went into labor with our second child. Upon arriving at the hospital, we learned that our daughter, Everly Eden had no heartbeat. Thank you all for joining us tonight to remember Everly and recognize Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Most of you probably do not realize how often this kind of loss occurs. Surprisingly, losses happen to 1 in 4 women. However, tonight instead of focusing on our heartbreaking loss we want to focus on the goodness of God. Walking through this valley has no doubt brought us closer to the Lord. A few verses I would like to share with you have brought us comfort.


Psalm 18:2:

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

– At Topsail Beach last year I gathered beautiful rocks along the beach. At that moment, I had no idea I was pregnant and we definitely had no idea what devastating turn our life would take 9 months later. These rocks are now a symbol to remind me that God is my rock. The one in whom I find comfort. If you are in need of God’s comfort please take a rock. Place it somewhere so that you are reminded of God’s power and grace. (These love rocks are inspired by a story of a mom who lost her two daughters when they were tragically hit by a car in front of their home. You can read more about their story here: http://love-drenched-life.com/love-rocks/)

Love Rocks in Memory


Romans 8:28:

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those called to His purpose.

– God does not promise that a Christian life will be easy. In fact, the Bible states that the evil one comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Your trials and tribulations will bring you closer to God if you let them. We are all called to share our testimony to shine a light on God’s goodness.


Matthew 5:16:

Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

– Tonight we light this special candle not only to remember our daughter but to bring God the glory for the light that shines within us. I pray that our story will touch your heart and inspire you to seek God’s comfort in your trials and tribulations.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Remind us that you are our rock and that through the trials and tribulations this broken world brings into our lives we can find comfort in only You. And, through You, we find the strength to shine bright for Your glory.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Lighted Lantern Release

Sky Lantern Release

  • Thank you to my family and friends for taking pictures to help keep this memory!
A New Life Lost

A New Life Lost

The Pain of Losing a Baby

Pregnancy and birth are supposed to be an exciting time. It is a celebration of a new life. Instead, I found myself facing the unthinkable…a new life lost. I was now having to make funeral arrangements for my stillborn daughter. Never did I think that at 32 years old I would lose a baby. I guess no parent imagines that until it happens.


Everly Eden would have been four months today. I wonder what milestones she would be perfecting. Perhaps she would be sitting up, maybe her first tooth would shine through, or maybe she would grab toys out of my hand when handed to her. I guess she is perfecting these in heaven. I bet she would be mesmerized by her big sister and learning a lot from just watching her. So many milestones we are missing going through this life without her. With each passing day, the memory of her fades and the pain remains. I miss the weight of her in my arms. My heart desires to cuddle up with her and kiss her little cheeks. I would give anything to see her smile and hear her laugh. Just once.


The loss of Everly makes me hold Charis a little tighter. I am so thankful to have her. She brings much joy to our lives. She keeps us going. We have created a special place in our yard to remind us of Everly…as if we need a reminder.  Just the other day while we were outside, Charis walked over to Everly’s tree and said hello. It was such a sweet moment. It hurts to know that she will never get to hold Everly’s hand or try to give sisterly advice, as she gets older.


Life is moving on. Family and friends are getting pregnant and babies are being born. The reality is this family longs for one moment with Everly. Tears keep flowing. Our world stands still. The emptiness in our hearts from the loss of our baby girl remains. Our family has a missing link. When will the pain of losing her fade? I am happy for the families growing around us but my heart aches to hold our baby girl. It hurts to see a baby around her same age. When I see other kids around 18 months apart, my heart aches. How could such an exciting time centered on the upcoming arrival of a new life become the most devastating time in our lives? Many questions linger about the maybes and the what ifs. So many questions left unanswered. Unfortunately, none of these questions bring peace in our hearts.


Lord, comfort me as I miss Everly a little more today. I want to be strong and courageous and know that you are with us to shoulder our pain. I know that you have an extraordinary plan for us. I trust in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Loss of Baby

The Questions…ugh the questions!!

Where is the baby? When are you due? Is this child your only one?

The most difficult part of our loss was getting back into the routine of life. For me, getting back to a routine meant facing the fact that Everly Eden was gone. I had to come to terms with the fact that I would never see her smile, hear her talk, or watch her grow. Our inner circle knew what had happened and was sensitive to bringing up our loss. However, there were plenty of people whom we didn’t see regularly who knew we were pregnant but didn’t know that we had lost our beautiful daughter. You can read about our loss of Everly Eden here.

It took us two days to decide what to do with Everly’s body. After much thought, we decided to have her cremated so that down the road if we decided to bury her we would have more time to think about where we wanted to do that. After leaving the funeral home, we stopped to buy an urn at a local shop. As we were checking out the woman at the register asked me when I was due. My husband froze. Thankfully, I handled this question with grace and simply replied, “We actually just had a little one.” She could tell that something wasn’t quite right but thankfully she dropped the subject and we hurried out of the store. Let us be honest. For most of us, our pregnant bellies do not recede in two days. God, I wish it did!

About two weeks later after our loss, we decided to go back to church. We ran into a couple whom we see from time to time. They are such a nice couple and Rob and I enjoy catching up with them as we see them. We had just run into them at the local mall a couple of weeks earlier. Her and I reflected on the days with a newborn and joked about how I was going to manage a toddler and a newborn. As soon as she saw me, she said with excitement, “Did you have the baby?” My eyes filled with tears and I had to tell her that we had lost our beautiful daughter. You could tell she felt horrible having asked. It was an impossible situation to avoid…awkward for her and heart wrenching for me.

A month or so later, we ran into another couple at church we speak to occasionally. My husband and his mother were conversing with someone visiting the church. I saw the couple and she began to walk toward me. I stepped to the side and she said, “Oh, look at you! Where is the baby?” With tears flowing, I again had to explain that we lost our beautiful daughter. To make matters worse, her husband then walked over and asked the same question! Oh boy, that was a tough day!!

A couple of weeks before I gave birth to Everly we had moved in to a rental house that was just down the street from the house we were building. Our condo sold quicker than we were expecting. Thankfully there was a house in our new neighborhood not yet on the market that we could temporarily use. Once we moved in, Charis and I went for short walks a couple of times a day. Apparently, the neighbors saw us walking and noticed that I was pregnant. After we lost Everly, Rob was speaking to a neighbor and the wife said, “I saw your pregnant wife walking. When is she due?” A few weeks later, I stopped to drop off mail to another neighbor. She looked down at my belly and said, “When are you due?” I explained. She apologized. Awkward.

The questions never stop it seems. It has been almost four months. You would think that I had run into all acquaintances at this point. Unfortunately, today at a birthday party I was asked when I was due. The girl was the niece of one of my good friends and I guess she hadn’t heard the news that we lost our baby. My friend was there at the time and she hushed her so her niece said, “I’m so sorry.” I of course said no big deal and tried not to let it weigh on my mind for the rest of the party. Unfortunately, it did. And tonight, I am feeling heartbroken. Such an innocent question caused so much turmoil. I wasn’t uncomfortable but I felt like there was an elephant in the room since I didn’t address what had happened.

“When are you due” and “where is the baby” are the hardest questions for me. First off, it is difficult to respond without it being awkward and it is difficult for me to stop it from affecting my whole day. These questions remind me that I am a postpartum mommy with empty arms…and I don’t need any other reminders. My husband; however, has the hardest time when people ask how many children we have or when they see Charis and ask if she is our only child. I would like to say that we are comfortable enough to say she is our only one on Earth but we have two in heaven. This is a conversation my husband and I have regularly. We wish the world were more accepting of that type of answer. On the other hand, perhaps we should be bold enough to give that answer no matter how uncomfortable it might be for the other person.

When does this get better? Going through this kind of loss is a roller coaster of emotions. One day I could talk about Everly Eden with a big smile on my face knowing that she is having the best time in heaven. The next day, I am emotionally drained and wanting to cry at the drop of a hat! Most of the time I hold these emotions in because I don’t want my emotions to affect our little girl, Charis. She is top priority because she is here and 100% dependent on us. I sincerely hope and pray that as our hearts heal from our loss that these questions get easier to answer. I want to talk about Everly Eden with peace and joy every day!

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